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The Gold UFO In The Forest

In the usually peaceful Forester Forest, a group of woodland creatures who refer themselves as a “police force” must investigate the illegal hunting of a strange lifeform that could possibly be from another planet. After gathering clues about the one responsible for such an offence, the police force vow to serve justice simply by catching the crook and placing him under arrest.


While many human villagers live in harmony with the critters of the forest, a bunny who loves to boogie at a nightclub hopes to make peace with such a strange lifeform. Therefore, she proceeds to hop through the forest to find them.


In addition to a great investigation and a bunny’s curiosity, stay tuned for what an owl would do after she agrees to become a mother, along with a young high school girl’s dedication to protesting against hunting.

You can now order the new published paperback edition or Kindle edition of The Gold UFO In The Forest and The Silver UFO At The Beach on Amazon.
The Gold UFO In The Forest Cover First P
The Gold UFO In The Forest Cover First K

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