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Promising Practicals

I have been determined to further expand my creativity ever since I started my course at college (2012 - 2016)
Here to Help (Application Prototype)


Back in 2016, I designed a prototype of an application

that can help stroke survivors keep their lives on

track with Unreal Engine 4 widget blueprints. I really

enjoy producing things for a good cause, especially if

they would be very helpful for people who have to

face unfortunate disadvantages. The helpful tips can

help stroke survivors keep their lives on track.

Some Artwork


I was willing to improve my artistic abilities since about 2014. I mostly enjoy designing original characters, using the right choice of contrast for their features. I was also introduced to 3D modelling during my college years. I'm mostly skilled in digital 2D art in Adobe Photoshop and I would like to further improve my abilities in the future.

The Prisoner (2017 game prototype)


This is another Unreal Engine 4 project I did during my university year based of the critically acclaimed late 1960's television show "The Prisoner". The premise of the whole game focuses on the first two episodes and a small variety

of gameplay methods, including social simulation and

side-scroller. I aimed to make the aspects of the game accurate to what made the show iconic, including backgrounds of The Village.

Moving On


This Unreal Engine 4 project is about a young girl

named Anita who tries to regain her confidence after

losing some of her body parts during a battle. She

must collect hope throughout a short 2D

side-scroller as she discovers that her new arm

can send teleportation blasts at whoever tries to

ambush her. It was made during my year at

university to further show my interest in games

design, especially narrative designing.

I am looking forward to working with you. 

I hope that we can get along.

© 2017 - 2022, Laura Williams

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